Eddy Current Array Pipe Inspection

IXT have recently added to their testing arsenal the flexible eddy current array probe which is suited to a broad range of applications.

Pipeline & Piping Stress Corrosion Cracking (SCC) Inspection

piping eddy current array cracking inspection

The probe is scanned across the surface and can detect stress corrosion cracking in any direction through coatings as thick as 2 mm.
Though the results are comparable, eddy current array technology is much less time consuming and labour intensive than penetrant or magnetic particle inspection.
With eddy current array inspection, you can eliminate costly and complicated procedures, such as paint and coating removal.
This is a green solution with no mineral sands or paint particle cleanup, no air quality issues, no noise, and in addition no need to apply a white background coating for magnetic particle testing.
Cost savings gained by no blasting, no repainting , no background paint to apply, can easily amount to tens of thousands of dollars for a large project.

Gas pipeline stress corossion cracking

The new versitile eddy current array probe with interchangeable wedges fits a wide range of pipe sizes and can quickly scan small areas or bends.

Eddy current flexible probe fits to any shape

With the new continuous mode, scan imagery is revealed in real time with a constant results stream.

pipeline eddy current array cracking inspection through paint

This compliments the semi-automated chain scanner for straight lengths with full recording capability and without having to remove the coating.

Piping chain scanner eddy current array mapping of large areas

For more information see www.ixt.com.au